Mission Statement

SABAW is a 501(c)(3) organization of South Asian legal professionals in Washington State dedicated to providing access to legal resources and support for issues relevant to the South Asian community. SABAW is also committed to identifying and advancing the areas where economic, social and political interests intersect with South Asian legal issues, and we work to provide opportunities for law students in Washington to get involved in these areas alongside us. SABAW serves as a liaison between South Asian legal professionals and the legal community at large. We strive to provide our members with education, opportunities to expand their personal networks and resources, and a platform for community outreach and involvement. We are an active branch of the North American South Asian Bar Association. With help from our membership, SABAW has continually expanded our community outreach and enhanced opportunities for law students and young lawyers through legal clinics, scholarships and fellowships.

2025 SABAW Board of Directors



Shashi Vijay

President, Co- Treasurer

Hemashree Subramaniam



Tanisha Sudarshan



   Akansha Bhat


Gurjot Narwal

Board Member at Large


Sindoori Sriram

Director- Sponsorship

Smitha Gundavajhala

Board Member At-Large

Amrita Srivastava

Director- Scholarship

Tripti Sinha

Board Member at-large


Dev Narasimhan

Board Member at-large

SABAW also extends ongoing thanks and appreciation to its past Presidents: 


  Ishir Mehta Pooja Dave

    Immediate Past-President    President (2023)

© 2023 South Asian Bar Association of Washington. All rights reserved. 

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